I have lived in worlds vastly more mysterious and frightening than the one I currently inhabit. Worlds where I was continually assaulted by the wizards of black magic.

I do not wish to inhabit those dark worlds again. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But the world I currently inhabit could use an infusion of some mystery and magic- divine mystery and magic. The mystery and magic of eternal and infinite love.

I want to live in a world where the simplest of tasks is imbued with wonder and well being. Where something as simple as washing the dishes is a profoundly sacred act. A world where the slightest hint of negativity, of darkness, is snuffed out before it has time to bloom into something malignant. Where the love that holds everything together is apparent in everything I behold; not just every person, but all of creation.

I want to live in a world where delight outshines boredom. Where a new day brings an infinite array of new possibilities, and the drudgery of routine is replaced by new discoveries in both the world that appears exterior to me, as well as my interior world.

I want to live in a world where people love and appreciate each other. Where differences are seen as enriching and not adversarial.

Why can't I live in a world like that? Recent developments seem to be telling me that it's simply a matter of my own thoughts and beliefs. My current worldview may simply be a point of view that is no more real or unreal than an infinite number of possible points of view. The world I want to live in, heaven on Earth, may already be here now awaiting me to tune into its frequency.

A new adventure beckons.

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Those are good words, Tobin. You are living in a world of your own creation, along with all the rest of us. You can live in a heaven on Earth, and nobody else has to change a thing. In my experience, it requires total commitment and lots of practice. It beckons us all!

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